長尾 英幸
- 分野 :
- 生物学
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- 専門 :
- 菌学
- 学歴 :
- 東北大学大学院農学研究科 修了 農学博士
- 所属学会 :
- 日本茶業学会
Nagao, H. & T. Kasuya (2023) The host-pathogen association of Exobasidium in Japan inferred from molecular phylogeny of ITS and large subunit rDNA sequences. The Hiyoshi review of natural science70: 1-21 AN10079809-20230930-0001
Nagao, H. et al. (2023) Leaf Blister on Leucothoe grayana var. venosa Caused by an Exobasidium Species. Bull. Kanagawa Pref. Mus. (Nat. Sci.)No.52: 1–5
Nagao H. et al. (2023) Exobasidium siroboe sp. nov. (Exobasidiaceae) causing Exobasidium fruit deformation on Symplocos myrtacea in Japan. Phytotaxa579 (3): 219–224
Nagao H. et al. (2022) Establishment of artificial culture of a tea pathogen, Exobasidium vexans, and its cultural characteristics in vitro. Tea Research journal133: 15-25