糟谷 大河
- 分野 :
- 生物学
- E-mail :
- TEL :
- 045-566-1331
- 専門 :
- 菌類系統分類学
- 学歴 :
- 筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科博士後期課程修了,博士(農学)
- 所属学会 :
- 日本菌学会,日本菌学会関東支部,日本植物分類学会,日本第四紀学会,日本ワンヘルスサイエンス学会,他
- 担当教科 :
- 生物学Ⅰ、生物学Ⅱ、自由研究セミナー
Kakishima M, Ji J, Kasuya T(2018) Puccinia neovelutina nom. nov., a replaced name for Aecidium elaeagni and its new aecial host from Japan. Phytotaxa336: 197-200
Xu J, Zhang C, Kasuya T, Moodley O, Liu B, Gong L, Li Y (2018) A new species of Tricholosporum (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) from Liaoning Province of China. Phytotaxa374: 63-70
Shimono Y, Kasuya T, Takamatsu S(2018) Russula velenovskyi new to Japan, with phylogenetic implications of Russula species between Japanese subalpine forests and Northern Europe. Mycoscience59:288-293
Kasuya T, Ono Y (2018) Herpobasidium filicinum (Eocronartiaceae, Platygloeales) occurs on Dennstaedtia wilfordii (Dennstaedtiaceae) in Japan. Mycoscience59: 443-448
Ohmura Y, Hosaka K, Kasuya T, Abe JP, Kakishima M(2013) Activity concentrations of radionuclides in lichens following the Fukushima nuclear accident. Lichenologist45: 685-689
Kasuya T, Hosaka K, Uno K, Kakishima M(2012) Phylogenetic placement of Geastrum melanocephalum and polyphyly of Geastrum triplex. Mycoscience53: 411-426
Kasuya T, Hosaka K, Sakamoto H, Uchida A, Hoshino T, Kakishima M(2011) New records of Geastrum from Japanese sand dunes. Mycotaxon118: 1-15
Kasuya T, Kobayashi T(2011) Revision of some Japanese Crepidotus: A new species, a new record and type studies of two species described by Sanshi Imai. Sydowia63: 183-201
Takehashi S, Kasuya T(2010) Type study of Pluteus atrofuscens (Agaricales, Pluteaceae). Mycoscience51: 81-83
Kasuya T(2010) Lycoperdaceae (Agaricales) on the Beartooth Plateau, Rocky Mountains, U.S.A. North American Fungi5: 159-171
Kasuya T, Takehashi S, Hoshino T, Noordeloos ME(2010) Entoloma aprile (Agaricales, Entolomataceae) new to Japan, with notes on its mycorrhiza associated with Populus maximowiczii in cool-temperate deciduous forests of Hokkaido. Sydowia62: 205-223
Takehashi S, Kasuya T (2009) Pluteus magnus and Pluteus podospileus f. podospileus, two agaric species new to Japan. Mycoscience50: 74-77
Kasuya T, Yamamoto Y, Sakamoto H, Takehashi S, Hoshino T, Kobayashi T(2009) Floristic study of Geastrum in Japan: three new records for Japanese mycobiota and reexamination of the authentic specimen of Geastrum minus reported by Sanshi Imai. Mycoscience50:84-93
Hoshino T, Takehashi S, Fujiwara M, Kasuya T(2009) Typhula maritima, a new species of Typhula collected from coastal dunes in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Mycoscience50: 430-437
Kasuya T, Sato S(2009) Fructification of Collybia cirrata on mummified gleba of Bovista dermoxantha in Hokkaido, Northern Japan. Mycotaxon107: 81-86
Orihara T, Kasuya T, Phongpaichit S, Dissara Y(2008) Radiigera tropica (Geastraceae, Geastrales), a new species from a tropical rain forest of Thailand. Mycotaxon105: 111-117
Kasuya T, Katumoto K(2008) Notes on Japanese Lycoperdaceae. 4. Validation of Japanese giant puffball, Calvatia nipponica. Mycoscience49: 271-275
Kasuya T(2008) Phallus luteus comb. nov., a new taxonomic treatment of a tropical phalloid fungus. Mycotaxon106: 7-13
Kasuya T, Guzman G(2007) Veligaster nitidum, a pantropical sclerodermataceous fungus new to Japan and Thailand. Mycoscience48:259-262
Kasuya T(2007) Validation of Aseroe coccinea (Phallales, Phallaceae). Mycoscience48: 309-311