林 良信
- 分野 :
- 生物学
- E-mail :
- 専門 :
- 昆虫社会学、進化ゲノム学
- 学歴 :
- 茨城大学大学院理工学研究科博士後期課程修了
- 所属学会 :
- 日本比較免疫学会
Hayashi Y, Maekawa K, Nalepa CA, Miura T, Shigenobu S (2017) Transcriptome sequencing and estimation of DNA methylation level in the subsocial wood-feeding cockroach Cryptocercus punctulatus (Blattodea: Cryptocercidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology52: 643–651
Hayashi Y, Oguchi K, Yamaguchi K, Kitade O, Maekawa K, Miura T, Shigenobu S (2017) Male-specific molecular genetic markers in the Japanese subterranean termite Reticulitermes speratus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Insectes Sociaux64: 357–364
林良信,小口晃平,重信秀治,前川清人,三浦徹 (2017) シロアリにおけるソシオゲノミクス-社会性の統合的理解を目指して- 生物科学68: 165-176
Blankenburg S, Balfanz S, Hayashi Y, Shigenobu S, Miura T, Baumann O, Baumann A, Blenau W (2015) Cockroach GABA(B) receptor subtypes: molecular characterization, pharmacological properties and tissue distribution. Neuropharmacology88: 134-144
Bourguignon T, Lo N, Cameron S, Sobotnik J, Hayashi Y, Shigenobu S, Watanabe D, Roisin Y, Miura T, Evans T (2015) The evolutionary history of termites as inferred from 66 mitochondrial genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution32: 406-421
林良信,杉目康広,箕浦るん,三浦徹,重信秀治,前川清人 (2015) ヤマトシロアリのゲノム情報を防除に役立てるために. しろあり163: 2-11
Miyazaki S, Yoshimura M, Saiki R, Hayashi Y, Kitade O, Maekawa K (2014) Intracolonial genetic variation affects reproductive skew and colony productivity during colony foundation in a parthenogenetic termite. BMC Evolutionary Biology4:177
Hayashi Y, Shigenobu S, Watanabe D, Toga K, Saiki R, Shimada K, Bourguignon T, Lo N, Hojo M, Maekawa K, Miura T (2013) Construction and characterization of normalized cDNA libraries by 454 pyrosequencing and estimation of DNA methylation levels in three distantly related termite species. PLoS One8: e76678
Tokuda G, Elbourne LDH, Kinjo Y, Saitoh S, Sabree Z, Hojo M, Yamada A, Hayashi Y, Shigenobu S, Bandi C, Paulsen IT, Watanabe H, Lo N (2013) Maintenance of essential amino acid synthesis pathways in the Blattabacterium cuenoti symbiont of a wood-feeding cockroach. Biology Letters9: 20121153
Kitade O, Hoshi M, Odaira S, Asano A, Shimizu M, Hayashi Y, Lo N (2011) Evidence for genetically influenced caste determination in phylogenetically diverse species of the termite genus Reticulitermes. Biology Letters7: 257-260
Lo N, Hayashi Y, Kitade O (2009) Should environmental caste determination be assumed for termites? American Naturalist173: 848-853
Hayashi Y, Lo N, Miyata H, Kitade O (2007) Sex-linked genetic influence on caste determination in a termite. Science318: 985-987
Hayashi Y, Kitade O, Kojima J (2003) Parthenogenetic reproduction in neotenics of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes speratus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Entomological Science6: 253-257
2008年度 公益財団法人井上科学振興財団 井上研究奨励賞