鈴木 忠
- 分野 :
- 生物学
- E-mail :
- TEL :
- 045-566-1329
- 専門 :
- 比較動物学、クマムシの生物学
- 学歴 :
- 名古屋大学大学院単位取得退学 金沢大学大学院 博士(理学)
- 所属学会 :
- 日本動物学会、日本動物分類学会、International Society for Invertebrate Morphology
- 担当教科 :
- 生物学、生物学実験
Suzuki AC, Sugiura K, Tsujimoto M, Nakai R, McInnes SJ, Kagoshima H, Imura S (2023) A new species of bisexual Milnesium (Eutardigrada: Apochela) having aberrant claws from Innhovde, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Zoological Science 40(3): 246–261
Suzuki AC(2022) Beautiful claws of a tiny water bear: a review and proposal for claw configuration. Zoological Science39(2): 167–175
Gąsiorek P, Oczkowski A, Blagden B, Kristensen RM, Bartels PJ, Nelson DR, Suzuki AC, Michalczyk Ł (2021) New Asian and Nearctic Hypechiniscus species (Heterotardigrada: Echiniscidae) signalize a pseudocryptic horn of plenty. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society192: 794–852
Sugiura K, Minato H, Matsumoto M, Suzuki AC*(2020) Milnesium (Tardigrada: Apochela) in Japan: the first confirmed record of Milnesium tardigradum s.s. and description of Milnesium pacificum sp. nov. Zoological Science37(5) : 476-495 (*Corresponding author)
Fujimoto S, Suzuki AC, Ito M, Tamura T, Tsujimoto M (2020) Marine tardigrades from Lützow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica with the description of a new species. Polar Biology43:679–693
Morek W, Suzuki AC, Schill RO, Georgiev D, Yankova M, Marley NJ, Michalczyk Ł (2019) Redescription of Milnesium alpigenum Ehrengerg, 1853 (Tardigrada: Apochela) and a description of Milnesium inceptum sp. nov., a tardigrade laboratory model. Zootaxa4586:35–64
Sugiura K, Minato H, Suzuki AC, Arakawa K, Kunieda T, Matsumoto M (2019) Comparison of sexual reproductive behavior in two species of Macrobiotidae (Tardigrada: Eutardigrada). Zoological Science35:120–127
Gąsiorek P, Suzuki AC, Kristensen RM, Lachowska-Cierlik D, Michalczyk Ł (2018) Untangling the Echiniscus Gordian knot: Stellariscus gen. nov. (Heterotardigrada : Echiniscidae) from Far East Asia. Invertebrate Systematics32:1234–1248
Suzuki AC, Kagoshima H, Chilton G, Grothman GT, Johansson C, Tsujimoto M (2017) Meiofaunal richness in highly acidic hot springs in Unzen-Amakusa National Park, Japan, including the first rediscovery attempt for Mesotardigrada. Zoological Science34(1): 11-17
Grothman GT, Johansson C, Chilton G, Kagoshima H, Tsujimoto M, Suzuki AC(2017) Gilbert Rahm and the Status of Mesotardigrada Rahm, 1937. Zoological Science34(1): 5-10
Suzuki AC(2016) Specimens with an Artifact Appearing as ‘Three Spines’ in Milnesium tardigradum var. trispinosa Rahm, 1931 (Tardigrada). Zoological Science33(4):431-433
Tsujimoto M, Suzuki AC, Imura S (2015) Life history of the Antarctic tardigrade, Acutuncusantarcticus, under a constant laboratory environment. Polar Biology38(10):1575–1581
Suzuki AC,Kristensen RM (2014) Spermatozoa in the reproductive system of a hermaphroditic marine tardigrade, Orzeliscus belopus (Tardigrada:Arthrotardigrada). Zoologischer Anzeiger253: 497–511 | doi:10.1016/j.jcz.2014.07.003
Fujimoto S, Miyazaki K, Suzuki AC(2013) A new marine tardigrade, Tanarctus diplocerus(Arthrotardigrada, Halechiniscidae) from Japan Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom93 (4): 955–961
Kagoshima H, Imura S, Suzuki AC(2013) Molecular and morphological analysis of Antarctic tardigrade, Acutuncus antarcticus Journal of Limnology72(s1): 15–23
Suzuki AC.(2008) Appearance of males in a thelytokous strain of Milnesium cf. tardigradum (Eutardigrada: Apochela). Zoological Science25: 849-853
Suzuki AC.(2006) Ovarian structure in Milnesium tardigradum (Tardigrada, Milnesiidae) during early vitellogenesis Hydrobiologia558: 61-66
Suzuki AC.(2003) Life history of Milnesium tardigradum Doyère (Tardigrada) under a rearing environment Zoological Science20: 49-57
Altiero T, Suzuki AC, Rebecchi L (2019) Reproduction, development and life cycles. In Schill RO (ed.) “Water Bears: the Biology of Tardigrades”, Zoological Monographs 2, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp.211-247
鈴木忠 (2019) クマムシ調査隊、南極を行く!岩波ジュニア新書899,岩波書店 ISBN 9784005008995
Suzuki AC (2017) Tardigrada research in Japan. In Motokawa M, Kajihara H (eds.) Species Diversity of Animals in Japan. Springer Japan, pp. 267-284
ISBN 978-4-431-56432-4 (eBook), ISBN 978-4-431-56430-0 (Hardcover)
鈴木忠(2008) クマムシの生き方.誕生と死—生命の教養学IV,慶應義塾大学教養研究センター編、慶應義塾大学出版会, pp157-178
鈴木忠・森山和道(2008) クマムシを飼うには 博物学から始めるクマムシ研究.地人書館
鈴木忠 (2006) クマムシ?!小さな怪物.岩波科学ライブラリー122,岩波書店
- 慶應義塾大学医学部(日吉)
- 慶應義塾大学 生物学教室