早見 均
- 分野 :
- 経済学, 統計学
- E-mail :
- TEL :
- 03-5427-1477
- 専門 :
- 環境の産業連関分析,経済統計,労働経済学
- 学歴 :
- 慶應義塾大学経済学部卒,同大学院経済学研究科修士過程修了,博士課程単位取得修了,博士(商学)
- 所属学会 :
- 日本統計学会,American Statistical Society
- 担当教科 :
- 統計学,経済統計各論,計量経済学
Hayami H. and Nakamura M. (2011) The Statistical Distributions of Industrial Wastes: an Analysis of the Japanese Establishment Linked Input-output Data. Elzbieta Broniewicz ed. Waste Management in Practice,313-328, ISBN 978-953-307-229-6.
Hayami H. and Nakamura M. (2011) The Statistical Distributions of Industrial Wastes: an Analysis of the Japanese Establishment Linked Input-output Data. Elzbieta Broniewicz ed. Waste Management in Practice,313-328, ISBN 978-953-307-229-6.
Hayami H. and M. Nakamura M. (2007) Greenhouse gas emissions in Canada and Japan: Sector-specific estimates and managerial and economics implications. Journal of Environmental Management,85, 371-392.
Hayami H., Nakamura M. and Yoshioka K. (2005) The LIfe Cycle CO2 emission performance of the DOE/NASA Solar Power Satellite System: A Comparison of Alternative Power Generation Systems in Japan. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,Part C: Applications and Reviews, vol.35, no.3, 391-400.