井奥 洪二
- 分野 :
- 化学
- E-mail :
- TEL :
- 内線33502、045-566-1306
- 専門 :
- 科学技術社会論
- 学歴 :
- 東京工業大学大学院博士後期課程単位取得退学(工学博士)
- 所属学会 :
- 科学技術社会論学会、日本セラミックス協会、日本化学会、他
- 担当教科 :
- 化学Ⅰ、化学Ⅱ、経済と環境
科学的センスを持つ世界的リーダーの育成、 再生医療用材料の創製、環境浄化材料の作製
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Shohei Takahashi, Taishi Yokoi, Chihiro Inoue, Koji Ioku (2019) Adhesion Behavior of Microorganisms Isolated from Soil on Hydroxyapatite and Other Materials. Appl Biochem Biotechnol187:984-993
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Shohei Takahashi, Taishi Yokoi, Chihiro Inoue, Koji Ioku (2018) Preparation of spherical porous hydroxyapatite granules as support materials for microorganisms. J Ceram Soc Japan126 (9): 732-735
Kenshiro Kimura, Masanobu Kamitakahara, Taishi Yokoi, Koji Ioku (2018) Formation Process of Hydroxyapatite Granules in Agarose Hydrogel by Electrophoresis. Cryst Growth Des18 (4): 1961-1966
井奥洪二, 上高原理暢 ( Koji Ioku, Masanobu Kamitakahara) (2017) バイオセラミックスとしてのリン酸カルシウム多孔体 (Calcium Phosphates Porous Bioceramics.) Phosphorus Letter88: 381-390
Kota Morishita, Eri Tatsukawa, Yasuaki Shibata, Fumio Suehiro, Masanobu Kamitakahara, Taishi Yokoi, Koji Ioku, Masahiro Umeda, Masahiro Nishimura, Tohru Ikeda (2016) Diversity of multinucleated giant cells by microstructures of hydroxyapatite and plasma components in extraskeletal implantation model. Acta Biomaterialia39: 180-191
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Eri Tatsukawa, Yasuaki Shibata, Shota Umemoto, Taishi Yokoi, Koji Ioku, Tohru Ikeda (2016) Effect of silicate incorporation on in vivo responses of α-tricalcium phosphate ceramics. J Mater Sci: Mater Med27:97
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Naohiro Ohtoshi, Masakazu Kawashita, Koji Ioku(2016) Spherical porous hydroxyapatite granules containing composites of magnetic and hydroxyapatite nanoparticles for the hyperthermia treatment of bone tumor. J Mater Sci: Mater Med27:93
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Shohei Takahashi, Taishi Yokoi, Chihiro Inoue, Koji Ioku(2016) Adhesion behaviors of Escherichia coli on hydroxyapatite Mater. Sci. Eng. C61: 169-173
Hehe Guo, Huaijuan Zhou, Ping Jin, Wenjing Li, Yining Ma, Ioku Koj, Shidong Ji (2016) Hydrothermal-assisted biomimetic synthesis of brush-like Hap/PAN composite and its application for decontaminating the metal ions. RSC Advances6: 5965-5972
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Takuya Nagamoria, Taishi Yokoia, Koji Ioku(2015) Carbonate-containing hydroxyapatite synthesized by the hydrothermal treatment of different calcium carbonates in a phosphate-containing solution J. Asian Ceram. Soc.3: 287-291
Tohru Ikeda, Michiyuki Kasai, Eri Tatsukawa, Masanobu Kamitakahara, Yasuaki Shibata, Taishi Yokoi, Takayuki K. Nemoto, Koji Ioku(2014) A bone substitute with high affinity for vitamin D-binding protein ― relationship with niche of osteoclasts. J. Cell. Mol. Med.18 [1]: 170-180
Eri Tatsukawa, Yoshinori Gonda, Masanobu Kamitakahara, Masaaki Matsuura, Masaru Ushijima, Yasuaki Shibata, Ikuho Yonezawa, Mutsunori Fujiwara, Koji Ioku, Tohru Ikeda (2014) Promotion of normal healing of bone defects under estrogen deficiency by implantation of beta-tricalcium phosphate composed of rod-shaped particles. J. Orthopaedic Res.32 [2]: 189-196
Natsuko Ito, Masanobu Kamitakahara, Koji Ioku(2014) Preparation and evaluation of spherical porous granules of octacalcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite as drug carriers in bone cancer treatment. Mater. Lett.120: 94-96
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Yuika Uno, Koji Ioku(2014) Behavior of osteoblast-like cells on calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite ceramics composed of particles with different shapes and sizes. J Mater Sci: Mater Med25: 239–245
Natsuko Ito, Masanobu Kamitakahara, Koji Ioku(2013) Observation of transformation behavior of octacalcium phosphate to hydroxyapatite. Key Eng. Mater.529-530: 11-14
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Shota Umemoto, Koji Ioku(2013) Characterization and in vitro evaluation of silicate-containing tricalcium phosphate prepared through wet chemical process. Key Eng. Mater.529-530: 105-108
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Ryohei Imai, Koji Ioku(2013) Preparation and evaluation of spherical Ca-deficient hydroxyapatite granules with controlled surface microstructure as drug carriers. Mater. Sci. Eng. C33: 2446–2450
Natsuko Ito, Masanobu Kamitakahara and Koji Ioku(2012) Preparation of spherical granules of octacalcium phosphate for medical application. Functional Mater. Lett.5 [2]: 1260009-1-3
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Kenshiro Kimura, Koji Ioku(2012) Synthesis of nanosized porous hydroxyapatite granules in hydrogel by electrophoresis. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces97: 236-239
Jumpei Hayashi1, Masakazu Kawashita, Toshiki Miyazaki, Masanobu Kamitakahara, Koji Ioku, Hiroyasu Kanetaka (2012) Comparison of Adsorption Behavior of Bovine Serum Albumin and Osteopontin of hydroxyapatite and Alumina. Phosphorus Research Bulletin26: 23-28
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Ryosuke Fujii, Koji Ioku(2012) Techniques for Preparing Pure β-Tricalcium Phosphate Granules Composed of Rod-shaped Particles. Phosphorus Research Bulletin26: 29-32
Cem Bulent USTUNDAG, Figen KAYA, Masanobu KAMITAKAHARA, Cengiz KAYA, Koji IOKU(2012) Production of tubular porous hydroxyapatite using electrophoretic deposition. J. Ceram. Soc. Japan120 [12]: 569-573
Tohru Ikeda, Yoshinori Gonda, Eri Tatsukawa, Yasuaki Shibata, Masanobu Kamitakahara, Takatoshi Okuda, Ikuho Yonezawa, Hisashi Kurosawa, Koji Ioku(2012) Stimulation of Osteogenesis in Bone Defects Implanted with Biodegradable Hydroxyapatite Composed of Rod-Shaped Particles under Mechanical Unloading. Acta Histochem. Cytochem45 [5]: 283-292
Masanobu Kamitakahara, Hiroko Takahashi, Koji Ioku(2012) Tubular hydroxyapatite formation through a hydrothermal process from α-tricalcium phosphate with anatase. J. Mater. Sci.47: 4194-4199
M Kamitakahara, T Saito and K Ioku(2012) Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of hydroxyapatite with controlled morphology. Journal of Physics: Conference Series339: 012002
井奥洪二, 上高原理暢, 池田 通 ( Koji Ioku, Masanobu Kamitakahara, Tohru Ikeda) (2012) 骨代謝に組み込まれる水酸アパタイト多孔体 (Porous Hydroxyapatite Built into the Bone Metabolism.) J. Inorg. Mater. Japan19: 396-400
日本セラミックス協会 学術賞 (2009)
日本無機リン化学会 学術賞 (2008)
アジアバイオセラミックス賞 (2005)
キャンパスベンチャーグランプリ 特別賞(日刊工業新聞社賞)(2004)
無機マテリアル学会 永井記念奨励賞 (2000)
日本無機リン化学会 奨励賞 (1996)
MRS(アメリカ材料研究協会)先進材料国際会議奨励賞 (1988)