古野 泰二
- 分野 :
- 物理学
- E-mail :
- TEL :
- 045-566-1317
- 専門 :
- 生物物理学
- 学歴 :
- 東京大学理学系研究科物理学専攻(理学博士)
- 所属学会 :
- 日本生物物理学会、日本物理学会
- 担当教科 :
- 物理学I、物理学?、物理学実験
大石 毅,久保田 真理(2019) ”環境にやさしい抽出法の学生実験への導入 ― ショウノウ単離と機器分析による同定 ―” 慶應義塾大学日吉紀要 自然科学66:19-32
S. Ohba, M. Tsuchimoto & N. Yamada (2018) Investigation of nitro-nitrito photoisomerization: crystal structures of trans-{2,2’-[ethane-1,2-diylbis(nitrilomethylidyne)]diphenolato}(pyridine/4-methylpyridine) nitrocobalt(III). Acta CrysE74: 1759-1763
Okamoto M., Nishimura Y., Takahashi M., Chen W.-H. (2018) Synthesis of Short, Needle-Shaped Crystals of TON-Type Zeolite by Addition of Inhibitors of Crystal Growth along the [001] Direction. Cryst Growth Des18:6573-6580
Furuno T.(2016) Binding properties of a streptavidin layer formed on a biotinylated Langmuir–Schaefer film of unfolded protein. Thin Solid Films604: 40-47
Chih-Sheng Chuanga & Wataru Takahashi(2015) Weak convergence theorems for families of nonlinear mappings with generalized parameters. Numerical Funct. Anal. Optim.36: 41-54
Amemiya, S., Hibino, T., Nakano, H., Yamaguchi, M., Kuraishi, R. and Kiyomoto, M. (2015) Development of ciliary bands in larvae of the living isocrinid sea lily Metacrinus rotundus. Acta Zool.96:36-43. Article first published online: 17 OCT 2013 | doi: 10.1111/azo.12049.
向井知大、大場茂(2014) 「放射線走行・歩行サーベイ測定実験」 慶應義塾大学日吉紀要、自然科学No.55, 1-19
Furuno T.(2014) Atomic force microscopy study on the unfolding of globular proteinsin the Langmuir films. Thin Solid Films552: 170-179
Furuno T.(2009) Deposition onto Glass Surface of Two-dimensional Crystal Film of Streptavidin. Hiyoshi Review of Natural Science, Keio University46: 1-11
Furuno T. (2008) Two-Dimensional Crystal Film of Streptavidin: A Binding Base for Biotinylated Proteins for Protein Device Application. Hiyoshi Review of Natural Science, Keio University44: 1-17
- 慶應義塾大学医学部(日吉) http://smh.hc.keio.ac.jp/
- 慶應義塾大学物理学教室(日吉) http://sasuke.econ.hc.keio.ac.jp/