はやし よしのぶ

Yoshinobu HAYASHI

  • Research Field :
  • Specific Research Topic :
    Evolutionary genomics, Molecular ecology, Entomology

Research Description

Genetics of social organization in termites



Cathedral termite mound in Litchfield National Park, Australia


Magnetic termite mounds in Litchfield National Park, Australia


Japanese subterranean termite Reticulitermes speratus

Selected Journal Publications

  1. Hayashi Y, Maekawa K, Nalepa CA, Miura T, Shigenobu S (2017) Transcriptome sequencing and estimation of DNA methylation level in the subsocial wood-feeding cockroach Cryptocercus punctulatus (Blattodea: Cryptocercidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology52: 643–651 doi

  2. Hayashi Y, Oguchi K, Yamaguchi K, Kitade O, Maekawa K, Miura T, Shigenobu S (2017) Male-specific molecular genetic markers in the Japanese subterranean termite Reticulitermes speratus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Insectes Sociaux64: 357–364 doi

  3. 林良信,小口晃平,重信秀治,前川清人,三浦徹 (2017) シロアリにおけるソシオゲノミクス-社会性の統合的理解を目指して- 生物科学68: 165-176 関連リンク

  4. Blankenburg S, Balfanz S, Hayashi Y, Shigenobu S, Miura T, Baumann O, Baumann A, Blenau W (2015) Cockroach GABA(B) receptor subtypes: molecular characterization, pharmacological properties and tissue distribution. Neuropharmacology88: 134-144 doi

  5. Bourguignon T, Lo N, Cameron S, Sobotnik J, Hayashi Y, Shigenobu S, Watanabe D, Roisin Y, Miura T, Evans T (2015) The evolutionary history of termites as inferred from 66 mitochondrial genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution32: 406-421 doi

  6. 林良信,杉目康広,箕浦るん,三浦徹,重信秀治,前川清人 (2015) ヤマトシロアリのゲノム情報を防除に役立てるために. しろあり163: 2-11 関連リンク

  7. Miyazaki S, Yoshimura M, Saiki R, Hayashi Y, Kitade O, Maekawa K (2014) Intracolonial genetic variation affects reproductive skew and colony productivity during colony foundation in a parthenogenetic termite. BMC Evolutionary Biology4:177 doi

  8. Hayashi Y, Shigenobu S, Watanabe D, Toga K, Saiki R, Shimada K, Bourguignon T, Lo N, Hojo M, Maekawa K, Miura T (2013) Construction and characterization of normalized cDNA libraries by 454 pyrosequencing and estimation of DNA methylation levels in three distantly related termite species. PLoS One8: e76678 doi

  9. Tokuda G, Elbourne LDH, Kinjo Y, Saitoh S, Sabree Z, Hojo M, Yamada A, Hayashi Y, Shigenobu S, Bandi C, Paulsen IT, Watanabe H, Lo N (2013) Maintenance of essential amino acid synthesis pathways in the Blattabacterium cuenoti symbiont of a wood-feeding cockroach. Biology Letters9: 20121153 doi

  10. Kitade O, Hoshi M, Odaira S, Asano A, Shimizu M, Hayashi Y, Lo N (2011) Evidence for genetically influenced caste determination in phylogenetically diverse species of the termite genus Reticulitermes. Biology Letters7: 257-260 doi

  11. Lo N, Hayashi Y, Kitade O (2009) Should environmental caste determination be assumed for termites? American Naturalist173: 848-853 doi

  12. Hayashi Y, Lo N, Miyata H, Kitade O (2007) Sex-linked genetic influence on caste determination in a termite. Science318: 985-987 doi

  13. Hayashi Y, Kitade O, Kojima J (2003) Parthenogenetic reproduction in neotenics of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes speratus (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). Entomological Science6: 253-257 doi




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