- Research Field :
- Biology
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- Specific Research Topic :
- Developmental Biology
Research Description
- Contribution of sib and non-sib mating in reproduction of Dinophilidae polychaeta.
- Morphological description of larval development and metamorphosis of stalked sea lily.
Selected Journal Publications
Hara Y, Kuraishi R., Uemura I., and Katow H. (2003) Asymmetric formation and possible function of the primary pore canal in plutei of Temnopleurus hardwicki. Dev Growth Differ45:295-308
Kuraishi R. and Osanai K. (1994) Contribution of maternal factors and cellular interaction to determination of archenteron in the starfish embryo. Development120: 2619-2628
Kuraishi R. and Osanai K. (1992) Cell movements during gastrulation of starfish larvae. Biol Bull183: 258-268
Yamada H., Kuraishi R., Amikura R., and Nagano H. (1990) Injection of isolated centriolar complex to induce mitosis in starfish eggs. Mol Reprod Dev26: 356-360