Tatsuhiko KOIKE
- Research Field :
- Physics
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- Specific Research Topic :
- Quantum information and foundations, general relativity
Selected Journal Publications
Takahisa Igata, Tatsuhiko Koike and Hideki Ishihara (2011) Constants of motion for constrained Hamiltonian systems: A particle around a charged rotating black hole Phys. Rev.D83, 065027
Masaru Siino and Tatsuhiko Koike (2011) Topological classification of black holes: Generic Maxwell set and crease set of a horizon Int. J. Mod. Phys. D20, 6, 1095-1122
Alberto Carlini, Akio Hosoya, Tatsuhiko Koike and Yosuke Okudaira (2011) Time-optimal CNOT between indirectly coupled qubits in a linear Ising chain J. Physics A: Math. Theor.44, 145302
Fumitoshi Amemiya and Tatsuhiko Koike (2010) Big bounce as scattering of wave function at the big crunch Phys. Rev.D82, 104007
Tatsuhiko Koike and Yosuke Okudaira (2010) Time complexity and gate complexity Phys. Rev.A82, 042305
Hiroshi Kozaki, Tatsuhiko Koike and Hideki Ishihara (2010) Exactly solvable strings in Minkowski spacetime Class. Quantum Grav.27, 105006
Fumitoshi Amemiya and Tatsuhiko Koike (2009) Gauge-invariant construction of quantum cosmology Phys. Rev.D80, 103507
Tatsuhiko Koike, Hiroshi Kozaki and Hideki Ishihara (2008) Strings in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space with a symmetry Phys. Rev.D77, 125003
Alberto Carlini, Akio Hosoya, Tatsuhiko Koike and Yosuke Okudaira (2008) Quantum brachistochrone for mixed states J. Physics A: Math. Theor.41, 045303
Alberto Carlini, Akio Hosoya, Tatsuhiko Koike and Yosuke Okudaira (2007) Time-optimal unitary operations Phys. Rev.A75, 042308
Alberto Carlini, Akio Hosoya, Tatsuhiko Koike and Yosuke Okudaira (2006) Time-optimal quantum evolution Phys. Rev. Lett.96, 060503
Tatsuhiko Koike, Takashi Hara, and Satoshi Adachi (1999) Critical behaviour in gravitational collapse of a perfect fluid Phys. Rev.D59, 104008 (9pp)
Tatsuhiko Koike, Takashi Hara and Satoshi Adachi (1995) Critical behaviour in gravitational collapse of radiation fluid: A renormalization group (linear perturbation) analysis Phys. Rev. Lett.74, 26, 5170-5173