Yoshikuni Hodoki
- Research Field :
- Biology
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- Specific Research Topic :
- Limnology, Environmental Microbiology
Selected Journal Publications
Hodoki Y., Ohbayashi K, Kobayashi Y, Okuda N & Nakano S. (2013) Anatoxin-a-producing Raphidiopsis mediterranea Skuja var. grandis Hill is one ecotype of non-heterocystous Cuspidothrix issatschenkoi (Usačev) Rajaniemi et al. in Japanese lakes. Harmful Algae21–22 : 44–53
Hodoki, Y., K. Ohbayashi, N. Tanaka & H. Kunii (2013) Evaluation of genetic diversity in Zostera japonica (Aschers. et Graebn.) for seagrass conservation in brackish lower reaches of the Hii River system, Japan Estuaries and Coasts36:127–134
Hodoki, Y., K. Ohbayashi & H. Kunii (2013) Analysis of population genetic structure and variability using microsatellite markers in the salt marsh sedge Carex scabrifolia Landscape and Ecological Engineering
程木義邦・大林夏湖・宮本康・田中法生・國井秀伸 (2012) 鳥取県のコアマモ(Zostera japonica Aschers. et Graebn.) 個 体群の遺伝的多様性 日本陸水学雑誌73: 81-87