Nami Okubo
- Research Field :
- Biology
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- Specific Research Topic :
- Coral(Conservation Ecology, Developmental Biology)
Selected Journal Publications
Okubo N. , Yamamoto H. H., Nakaya F., Okaji K.(2010) Reproduction in cultured versus wild coral colonies: fertilization, larval oxygen consumption, and survival Biol Bull218: 230-236
Okubo N., Yamamoto H. H., Nakaya F., Okaji K. (2008) Oxygen consumption of a single embryo/planula in the reef-building coral Acropora intermedia Mar Ecol Prog Ser366: 305-309
Okubo N., Motokawa T., Omori M. (2007) When fragmented coral spawn? Effect of size and timing on survivorship and fecundity of fragmentation in Acropora formosa Mari Biol151: 353-363
Okubo N., Motokawa T. (2007) Embryogenesis in the Reef-building coral Acropora spp Zool Sci 24: 1169-1177
Okubo N., Taniguchi H., Motokawa T. (2005) Successful methods for transplantation of coral fragments for Acropora formosa and Acropora hyacinthus Coral Reefs24: 333-342